2024 Scientific & Research Submissions for Presenting

Join the BFRB Community at the 2024 Annual Conference: October-5-6, 2024 in Washington, D.C.

Clinicians and researchers are invited to submit proposals to present at The TLC Foundation for BFRBs Annual Conference on Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors.

TLC’s Annual BFRB Conference seeks to guide patients and their families through a weekend of learning, networking, strategy-building, and healing; while also offering high quality, in-depth training and education to community-members and clinicians, while fostering collaboration amongst researchers. Often described as life-changing, the conference is a unique opportunity for patients, families & caregivers, clinicians, and researchers to learn, connect, and inspire each other.

To achieve this goal, significant changes to our proposal criteria have been made.

Once you have reviewed the information, submit your presentation proposal by clicking the button below:

Submit Abstract Here

Why be a scientific & research presenter?

Conference presenters are the catalysts behind the transformational experience that is a TLC Conference.

Submission Deadlines

Applicants for all programs will be notified of their status approximately four weeks after the submission deadline listed below.

• Research Abstract proposals are due July 15th
• Research Poster Abstracts are due July 30th

Submission Types:

Panel - Panel of experts/community members with a moderator
Session – An educational session that will provide information around a given topic to attendees from a professional or personal perspective.

Request for Proposals (RFP) Topics:

Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Intro to BFRBs (101)
• Advanced topics (201)
• BFRBs, ADHD, OCD, and other comorbidities
• Diversity - The role that race, ethnicity, and culture place in BFRBs and related disorders
• Research topics: the causes of BFRBs, BPMI-related talks, treatment studies
• BFRB treatment (research, professional talks, treatment talks, etc.)
• Lifestyle talks (alternative approaches - supplements, complementary medicine)
• How to support people with BFRBs
• Dealing with shame

While these are our topics of interest for the 2024 Conference, suitable proposals for BFRBs topics will also be considered.

Submission Guidelines and Process

• Presentations are approximately 60 minutes long and some may run concurrently.
• Demonstrate the outcome of recent/current research and the implications on clinical practice
• Provide clinical training in evidence-based treatment and primary interventions for BFRBs and co-existing disorders
• Provide support and compassion for community members, while improving the lives of people with BFRBs and their families.
• Support family members to be helpful to their family member struggling with a BFRB.
• Enhance psychological and physical well-being as applicable to BFRB recovery
• Create a sense of community and oneness for all
• Inspire activism and change

Submit Abstract Here

Presentation proposals must fit into one of the following categories:

Scientific Research: Includes talks on phenomenology, etiology, maintenance, classification, and treatment of BFRBs. These presentations may present new data or provide an overview of existing data. Presentations that include the clinical implications of current data and provide future directions to expand treatment and understanding are desired.

Evidence-Based Treatments: Workshops in this area aim to demonstrate evidence-based treatments/techniques for BFRBs to individuals and their loved ones. Presentations in this category have demonstrated efficacy described in published studies OR entail treatment strategies that have been clearly developed by well-accepted, scientifically-grounded theories of BFRB etiology or maintenance. Presenters in this category must hold a graduate degree in a mental health field from an accredited educational institution; and be qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training to present/author the particular subject matter. We encourage interactive presentations that illustrate clinical strategies including role-playing, video, etc. Presentations should include practical strategies attendees can take home and implement toward their recovery goals. Topics that support or develop an individuals’ insight into the specific domains that impact behavior (sensory, cognitive, affective, motor/awareness, place) and how to utilize this insight for recovery are desired. Audience members may be sufferers, family members, kids, or teens.

Professional Continuing Education Track: This track is offered exclusively to researchers, treatment professionals, and students pursuing careers in research and treatment. Presentations must meet all the guidelines of the evidence-based treatment track. Topics might include: demonstrating treatment modalities, treatment for children and adolescents, cognitive aspects of treating BFRBs, patient setbacks and apathy, medications and nutraceuticals. Presenters in this category must hold a graduate degree in a mental health field from a regionally accredited educational institution; and, be qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training to present/author the particular subject matter.

• Complementary and Integrative Health: “CIH” workshops include topics/approaches that support psychological, physical, emotional, or spiritual health by addressing common issues that one experiences while living with, or pursuing treatment for, a BFRB, and other subjects focused on enhancing one's quality of life. These workshops are not presented as primary treatment interventions for BFRBs. Topics that develop an individuals’ insight into the specific domains that impact their behavior (sensory, cognitive, affective, motor/awareness, place) and how to utilize this insight for recovery are highly desired. Presenters who submit for this category should include information on relevant licensure, credentials, or experience that supports their qualifications to present on their submitted topic. Examples of topics include meditation/mindfulness, nutrition, skin care, yoga, art, and other integrative health topics as related to the BFRB experience, as well as shame, self-esteem, motivation, meditation, etc.

• Community: Peer-led support and discussion groups such as interactive discussion groups, community panels, and esteem-building workshops are included in this category.

Submission Guidelines and Process

• Presentations are approximately 60 minutes long and several can run concurrently.

• A separate form must be submitted for each proposal

• To meet the goal of submitting two or more proposals, you may submit the same proposal for different audiences (if appropriate). For example, a workshop on BFRB coping skills may be submitted for the teen track and separately for the family track (please be sure your chosen audiences are applicable to the topic). Additionally, topics may be behavior-specific (sessions on skin picking disorder are highly desired).

• Please specify the intended audience(s) for your presentation: Audiences may include researchers or clinicians who treat these disorders, adult patients, teens  (13-18), adults (above 18) or family members and caregivers. Presenters should plan to provide digital handouts or topic outline and resource list.

• A committee, comprised of Scientific Advisory Board members and TLC leadership, reviews proposal submissions for quality, merit, and the criteria listed above. The committee will ensure that all research and evidence-based treatment presentations meet standards for acceptable scientific rigor and presenters meet the outlined qualification standards.

Questions? Please email info@bfrb.org

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Poster presentations are offered to encourage information exchange regarding research that is directly or indirectly related to trichotillomania, skin picking, and other body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs). Two poster presenter grant awards are available, offering up to $1,000 to fund transportation, hotel, and the conference registration fee. Please read below for eligibility and submission guidelines.

We also accept submissions for posters which do not seek grant funding. The application process is the same, however, please state that you DO NOT seek the grant award with your application. Volunteer opportunities may be offered in exchange for conference registration to those presenters not selected for the grant award.


Posters are accepted for research completed by the conference date. Posters previously presented elsewhere may be submitted. Awardees will be expected to register and attend the entire conference and be available during the poster session(s) to discuss their findings with conference attendees and researchers.

Submission Instructions:

Submit Abstract Here